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Student Visa for UK

A UK student visa allows a person to come to the UK for the purpose of studying.

There is no set duration for a UK student visa, however visas for students in the UK are usually granted for a period of one year and are usually determined by the length of course to be studied.

Eligibility Criteria
Course of Study
A UK student visa applicant must show that they have been accepted into a course of study at:

a publicly-funded institution of further or higher education (for example a university); or
a bona fide private education institution that maintains satisfactory records of enrolment and attendance for students and offers courses that are leading to qualifications recognised by the appropriate accreditation bodies; or
an independent fee-paying school outside the maintained sector.

And the UK student visa applicant must intend to follow:

a recognised full-time degree course; or
a weekday course at a single institution that involves at least 15 hours of organised daytime study a week; or
a full-time course of study at an independent fee-paying school.

UK student visa applicants must be able to meet the costs of their course and accommodation and the maintenance of themselves and any dependants without undertaking full-time employment or engaging in business or having recourse to public funds.

UK student visa applicants should intend to leave the UK at the end of their studies.

In Country Applications
In country applications for United Kingdom student visas may not be submitted by Visa Nationals.

Additional Information
Only married partners are eligible to join a person on a British student visa and they will be granted leave to remain for a period equal to that granted to the student. During this time they must be able to support themselves either independently or with the help of the UK student visa holder. This partner will be given permission to work only if the UK student visa was issued for 12 months or more.

A United Kingdom student visa applicant may take part-time or holiday work but must not:

work for more than 20 hours a week during term time, unless it is a work placement and part of a study program and the education institution agrees; or
do business, be self-employed or provide services as a professional sports person or entertainer; or
work full-time in a permanent job.
A person on a UK student visa is only able to work full-time during their vacation period.

Public Funds
UK student visa holders must be able to support and accommodate tehmselves without recourse to public funds.

More Details are Coming soon.

Student Visa for Spain

Who is considered a student?

Foreigners coming to Spain with the only purpose of studying or undertaking research, training or a non-lucrative job in any Spanish educational or scientific, public or private, officially recognized centre.


Foreign students who want to carry out studies in Spain, must apply for the corresponding visa at the Diplomatic or Consular Offices before their arrival. Evidence of previous studies must be supplied.


Once they are in Spain, foreign students must apply for an authorization
to stay during the specified time, at the Foreign Office or Police Station.


At the local Foreign Office or Police Station.

What are the requirements to obtain a Student Visa?

The following requirements must be met:

- All documents for entry and stay in Spain are in order, including
the visa to undertake or extend studies.
- The student has been regularly accepted in any private/public educational or scientific centre to undertake/extend studies or undertake non-lucrative jobs in research or educational centres.
- The study plan implies attending for no less than 3 months, including the approved studies, research or educational itinerary.
- Should the student be under-aged and is not accompanied by his parents, they
will need to provide written authorization for the student's trip, as well as for
his studies. This authorization must include the details of the school and the duration of the stay.
- Students must prove and guarantee that they have the financial means to live, support their studies, their stay and return to their country, as well as, if necessary, that of their relatives.


It is granted for the whole duration of the course


Yes, the Student Visa is renewable.


- When the activity for which it was granted comes to an end.
- When the period for which it was granted is over.


Basically, foreign students cannot carry out any profitable activity, but it will be allowed if it does not limit the studying aims.


Students who have obtained a visa for studying can apply for the corresponding stay visas for their relatives to enter and stay in Spain, during the period of their studies or research. They do not need a staying period prior to the foreign student.

Student Visa for New Zealand

To obtain a student visa the student must provide the following to the nearest New Zealand immigration office:

An offer of place from the school the student is intending to study at.

A receipt of the tuition fees received made out by the school that has issued the offer of place.

A completed visa/permit form obtainable from the nearest New Zealand immigration office.

A passport that will be current at least for three months past the expected expiry of the student visa.

Application fee (check with your nearest NZ Immigration office)

A bank statement showing NZ$1000 per month or NZ$10000 per year to guarantee financial cover for living expenses or a financial undertaking form completed and signed by your sponsor and the sponsor’s bank showing NZ$7000

A return ticket to your home country or proof of enough funds to purchase a flight ticket.

If you have been in New Zealand for two years or more, you will also need to provide a medical certificate and chest X-ray and a police clearance form from your home country.

More Details are Coming soon.

Student Visa for Italy

Who requires a student visa?
A study visa will likely be required to study in Italy, for any length of time.
What documents will be required?

One passport size photograph;

One application form duly completed and signed at the Consulate;

Passport valid three months over planned stay in Italy

A letter of acceptance from school or University in Italy indicating place, duration of the course and dates of attendance;

A letter addressed to this Italian Consulate, stating that you own private means of support. If you are a recipient of financial aid, please submit a statement

A letter from your bank indicating your account number, financial status, and balance. The letter must be signed by a bank official

Flight reservations (round trip)

What is the cost of a visa?
US$30 for a 90-day student visa.

How long is the visa valid for?
Various depending on type.

Other information:
Minors(under 18 years of age) who will not be travelling with their parents and wish to apply for a visa, in addition to the documentation required for the particular visa, must produce a declaration from both parents or legal guardian, authorising them to travel and stay in a Schengen country and appointing the person who will be responsible for them.
This declaration should be in the form of an affidavit duly authenticated by the solicitor or the appropriate official of your Embassy or Consulate

More Details are Coming soon.

Student Visa for Ireland

Citizens of certain countries who wish to pursue a course of study in Ireland must apply for a visa to enter Ireland before they travel here. Students from the EU/EEA do not require a student visa to study in Ireland.
If you would like to study in Ireland and require a visa, you will need to present the following to your nearest Irish embassy or consulate with your visa application.

Copies of your educational qualifications.
Letter of acceptance from a recognised school/college/university in Ireland confirming that you have been accepted on a course of study. This course of study must be full time and have a minimum of 15 hours per week study time.
Evidence that the fees for the course have been paid in full.
Evidence that you have enough funds to maintain yourself for at least the initial part of your stay.
Access to employment while in Ireland on a student visa.

From 18th April 2005 new students given permisssion to remain in Ireland for study will not be given permission to work unless they are attending a full-time course of at least a year leading to a recognised qualification (recognised qualifications include those issued by the Dublin Institute of Technology, the universities, FETAC and HETAC). This change will not affect students who have permission to remain on the 18th April 2005. These students can continue to work part-time and study in Ireland for the remaining period of their visa. (See 'Renewal of student visas' below)

Renewal of student visas
From 1st January 2005 students who are not on full-time courses of at least a year leading to a recognised qualification will only be allowed to extend their study visas when the total period of permissions granted is no longer than 18 months in total. If the student had permission to remain before 1st January 2005 this 18-month period is calculated from 1st January 2005.

Extending a student visa
If you wish to study in Ireland for less than three months you should apply for a 'C study visa'. If your course lasts longer than three months, you should apply for a 'D study visa'.

If you hold a 'C study visa' and wish to extend the period of your stay in Ireland, you should visit your local Garda station (police station) and present yourself to the Registration Officer for the area where you live. (The Registration Officer for your area will be a member of An Garda Siochana (the Irish police force). You may also be requested to apply in writing for your visa extension to the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

Generally speaking, the duration of a 'C study visa', (that is, a three month visa for study in Ireland) is not extended once you have arrived in Ireland. Extensions will be granted in exceptional cases only. It's very important therefore to make sure you know the duration of your course before you apply for a visa. Further information on how to apply to extend a student visa is under 'How to apply' below.

People who do not require visas to visit Ireland
You do not require a visa to visit Ireland if you are a citizen of an EU/EEA member State.

You do not need a visa to visit Ireland if you are from one of the countries listed below.

You require a visa if you are from a country not listed below.

Andorra, Antigua, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominica, El Salvador, Fiji, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Nauru, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Macau, Maldives, Norway, Panama, Saint, Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, South Korea, Swaziland, Switzerland, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvala, United States, Uruguay, Vanuata, Vatican City, Venezuela, Western Samoa.

You do not need an entry visa if you hold a British Hong Kong passport and have a right of abode in Great Britain.

Travellers from British Dependent Territories (Colonies)
You do not require a visa if you are from British Dependent Territories (Colonies), which are:

British Antarctic Territory (South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands)
British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago, Peros Banos, Diego Garcia, Danger Island)
Cayman Islands
Falkland Islands and Dependencies
Pitcairn (Henderson, Ducie and Oneno Islands)
St. Helena and Dependencies (Ascension Island, Tristan Da Cunha)
The Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia
Turks and Caicos Island
British Virgin Islands

Standard non-refundable visa application processing fees are:

Single-journey visa: 60 euro

Multiple-journey visa: 100 visa

Certain applicants are not required to pay a fee. They include non-EU Spouses of EU citizens and nationals of the countries listed below:

Ivory Coast
Sri Lanka
Serbia and Montenegro

How to apply
Send your application for a student visa (pdf) to the Irish embassy or Consulate in or accredited to the country in which you normally live. If there is no Irish Embassy or Consulate in your country, send your visa application to your nearest Irish embassy or Consulate or the Visa Office, Department of Foreign Affairs, 13-14 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2.

Extending a student visa for Ireland
The police registration officer in the area in Ireland where you live can advise you on any application forms you will need to complete to extend your student visa. Your application to extend your visa should contain the following information:

details of and proof of payment of course/study fees
details of the course of study
information on where you will live
evidence that you are self-sufficient
copy of your passport with your original study visa
visa reference number and your nationality
details of attendance if this is a further education course
Where to apply
Your nearest Irish embassy or Consulate or:

Visa Office,
Department of Foreign Affairs,
13-14 Burgh Qua,y
Dublin 2.
Republic of Ireland
Tel: (01) 633 1000, intl: +353 1 633 1000 (Mon-Fri 2:30p.m. - 4:00pm)

Garda National Immigration Bureau,
13/14 Burgh Quay,
Dublin 2.
Tel: (01) 666 9100, from abroad: +00 353 1 666 9100

More Details are Coming soon.

Student Visa for Germany

All persons who wish to study at a high school, college or university in Germany are required to obtain a residence permit.
All visas are not the same. A “tourist visa” cannot be converted into a “student visa” and as a tourist, you are not eligible to study in Germany.

The visa must be issued before you can enter the country; you should therefore apply for it in good time. The responsible body is the German Embassy or Consulate General in your country, which can also provide you with further information.

Three Types of Visa for International Students

--- A language course visa, which cannot be subsequently converted into a student visa. It is valid only for the duration of the course.
--- A three-month study applicant’s visa, which is valid if you have not yet obtained university admission. After admission, it must be converted as quickly as possible into a resident permit for student purposes at the office for foreigners’ affairs.
--- The visa for study purposes, valid for one year. In order to obtain this visa, you must provide proof of admission and financial support for the duration of study.

Documents Required

-- A valid passport
-- Passport Size photos
-- Entitlement to university admission, as recognized in Germany (usually a high school diploma or graduation examination certificate)
-- Evidence of previous academic performance
-- Proof that complete financial support for one year is guaranteed

The visa application is submitted at the German Embassy or the German Consulate in your country of residence – preferably as early as possible. German Embassy or Consulate personnel can provide further information.

More Details are Coming soon.

Student Visa for France

International students of all nationalities enjoy the right of multiple entries into France. Once granted, their visa is automatically renewed for the duration of their studies in France.

A special visa exists for prospective students. The so-called étudiant-concours visa is granted for stays of no more than 90 days for the purpose of taking an entrance examination or visiting institutions of higher education. Prospective students who pass their examination receive a full student visa without returning to their country of origin. The prospective student visa also may be granted to students whose admission to a higher education institution is contingent upon their completion of a short course of remedial or refresher work.

To obtain a visa, visit the French consulate in your place of residence or the visa office of the French embassy.

Two points to remember

Under no circumstances may a tourist visa be converted into a student visa.
International students of all nationalities intending to stay in France for more than 3 months must obtain a student identification card.

What documentation do I need to get a visa?

The passport must be valid for the entire period of validity of the visa.

Proof of enrollment
The following documents will be accepted as proof:

An offer of preliminary admission
A statement of preregistration in a public or private institution of higher education. The document must specify the level of study and the student's subject. If the institution is private, the statement must indicate the number of course hours and state that registration fees have been been paid in full.
- Proof of financial resources
Each French embassy sets the level of financial resources to be demonstrated by prospective students from that country. The amount is on the order of 3,000 francs for each month to be spent in France.

Proof of insurance coverage
Proof of insurance must be provided by students over 28 who are nationals of a country that does not have a reciprocity agreement with France or who are enrolled in an institution that is not recognized by the French government to participate in the student health insurance plan.

Parental authorization
Minors (individuals under 18 years of age) must furnish proof of consent by the person or persons having parental authority.

Required vaccinations
In some cases, the consulate may require proof of vaccination (e.g., against yellow fever, cholera…) before a visa will be issued.

More Details are Coming soon.

Student Visa for Canada

In Canada, Student Authorizations (student visas) are not required for English language courses that last less than six months. If your program will be longer than 6 months, you should apply for a Student Authorization at the closest Canadian Embassy or Consulate before coming to Canada. You cannot obtain a Student Authorization after arriving in Canada. You must obtain it before you come to Canada.
One document you will need is a Letter of Acceptance from the school.Keep this letter to apply for your Student Authorization at the visa office. People who apply for programs of 24 weeks or longer are usually asked to complete medical examinations. It sometimes takes two or three months for the Canadian government to process a medical examination report before approving a Student Authorization. If you cannot wait that long it is best to apply for a shorter program. The Student Authorization can be extended after you come to Canada.

You must be able to convince the authorities that you genuinely want to come to Canada to study, and that you will return to your home country when your studies have been completed. You must also submit all of the correct documents.

Planning - Before you apply for your Student Authorization or visitor visa, you must have: a valid passport, a Letter of Acceptance from a Canadian school, proof that you have enough money to support yourself for your entire stay in Canada.

Financial Support - You must be able to prove you can support yourself before a Student Authorization may be issued. A letter from your bank in your country and a written pledge of financial support from a parent will show immigration officials that you can afford your expenses while you are in Canada. These expenses include tuition, homestay, transportation, medical insurance, personal needs and return trips home

Character Reference - To be accepted by Canadian officials, you must prove you are a responsible person with no criminal record. You may be asked to provide evidence of this through your local authorities.

Health Standards - You must be in good health. You may be asked for a medical certificate if you have been living in a country with a high health risk.

Application - When you have all the letters and documents, you may apply for your Student Authorization at the nearest Canadian consulate, embassy or high commission. The Student Authorization allows you to study in Canada. Keep it in your passport.

Interviews - You might be asked to see an immigration officer for an interview. One purpose of the interview is to help the immigration officer evaluate you personally. The immigration officer will want to confirm that you have enough money to study in Canada, and that you will return to your home country when your course is completed. Therefore, you should be well dressed, well groomed, and on time when you go for your interview. You should behave in a positive and polite manner, even if the immigration officer does not. You should never lie to an immigration officer.

Fee - The application fee for a Student Authorization is CAN$125. You must submit this with your application.

Passports and Visas - You will need a passport and perhaps a visa as well. Canadian officials in your country can explain this to you before you leave. The Canada Visitors Visa is affixed to a page of your passport. It tells you the date you must arrive in Canada, the length of time you can stay and whether it is valid for one or more entries into Canada. When you arrive in Canada, you must show immigration officials your passport and visa. The passport will be stamped with the date you must depart from Canada. Check that this date is valid for your whole stay. If you need more time, ask someone at Language Studies International to help you apply.

More details are coming soon.

Student Visa for Australia

A registered course is an education or training course offered by an Australian education provider who is registered with the Australian Government to offer courses to overseas students.

Depending on your country of nationality and your principal course of study you may have to undergo a Pre-Visa Assessment (PVA) before an Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) is issued by your Australian education provider.

Financial Ability

For Masters and Doctorate Courses
Sponsors must provide evidence of cash assets for the first year tuition fee (as on the letter of offer) and living expenses (assumed at A$ 12000 p.a.) and access to additional funds (from acceptable sources) to meet the cost of the remainder of study and stay in Australia.

Individuals applying to study in Australia must satisfy the health requirements specified in the Migration Regulations. Any family unit members who are included in the visa application are also required to satisfy health requirements. details

The relevant forms for health checks are:

Medical examination for an Australian visa;
Radiological report on chest x-ray of an applicant for an Australian visa.
When you present yourself for your health check, you should bring the following:

form 26, Medical examination for an Australian visa, with a passport photograph attached;
form 160, Radiological report on chest x-ray of an applicant for an Australian visa, with a passport photograph attached;
your passport for identification;
any prescription spectacles or contact lenses that you may wear; and
where you have a known medical condition, any existing specialist reports.
To be covered for health insurance, you will have to pay the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for yourself and any family members traveling with you.

To enter Australia, you must be of good character. The information you provide at the 'Character Declaration' section of the application form 157A, Application for a student (temporary) visa enables an assessment to be made in respect of your character.

To enter Australia, you must have no outstanding debts to the Commonwealth of Australia, or have made acceptable arrangements to repay such debt.

If you are under 18
Approval for accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements.

If you are under 18 years of age and declare in your application that you will be residing in Australia with a parent or a person who has custody of you, you must provide evidence of the relationship and that they hold a visitor visa of 11 months stay, or of a shorter stay if you seek to study for less than 11 months or turn 18 years before 11 months.

If assessed at level 1 or 2, or you are in Australia under any assessment level, an electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCoE) certificate is required before you lodge your application and a copy is to be provided with your application
if you are outside Australia and assessed at level 3, 4 or 5 you will need an 'offer of a place in a course' letter from your Australian education provider at the time you lodge your application. If you are at Assessment level 3 or 4 you must apply for Pre-Visa Assessment.
an electronic confirmation of enrolment (eCoE) certificate issued by your education provider after you lodge your application if you are requested by the Australian embassy to do so

Common visa conditions
you must satisfy attendance and course requirements and maintain a valid enrolment for your course
you must not work unless you have been granted permission to do so
you must maintain your Overseas Student Health (OSHC) cover while in Australia
you must leave Australia before your visa expires
you must remain with the education provider you originally enrolled with for the first 12 months of your course or, if the course is less than 12 months, for the duration of your course
you must advise your education provider of your residential address within seven days of your arrival in Australia and must advise any changes of address within seven days
if you change education provider you must inform your current education provider within seven days of issue of an eCoE

More Details are Coming soon.

Student Visa for USA

The U.S.A. issues different types of visas to temporary visitors, including students. As a full-time student, you would receive an F-1 or M-1 visa. Most students fall under the F1 category. The temporary visas are also known as non-immigrant visas.
The spouse and children would receive F-2 or M-2 visas.

The "F" visa is for academic studies, and the "M" visa is for nonacademic or vocational studies.


1) Get your passport made. Follow this link for detailed information regarding how to obtain your passport.

2) Once an academic institute has accepted you for admission to full-time study, they will send you a document known as the I-20 form, which is extremely necessary for the application for a student visa. This form I-20 contains information about how much financial responsibility you will need, what is going to be the duration of your studies, etc.

3) You may need to show the proof of financial support if you or your parents are going to fund your studies in USA. A bank letter may be necessary. You might want to find out from your embassy about the types of documents they may accept regarding the proof of financial support.

Get an "Affidavit of Support" form from the U.S. Embassy or Consulate if the studies are going to be sponsored by your relatives or others who are currently in USA. Complete this form with information about your sources of financing (letter of sposorship), and submit it along with your other documents. The embassy may require a letter from the bank that holds the funds.

4) Obtain all the necessary documents mentioned on this page. Now, you are ready to go to the U.S. Consulate for a visa interview. If your visa is rejected twice, you may need to apply by mail.

Documents required for obtaining the visa

A nonrefundable application fee (You should find out the exact amount before going to the consulate and carry exact change if possible).
An application Form OF-156, completed and signed. Blank forms are available without charge at all U.S. consular offices.
A passport valid for travel to the United States
One photograph 1 and 1/2 inches square (37x37mm) for each applicant, showing full face, without head covering, against a light background; and
For the "F" applicant, a Form I-20A-B. For the "M" applicant, a Form I-20M-N.
[These forms are sent by the institutions where you have applied and upon acceptance they send you these forms.]
Sponsorship letters
Student visa applicants must establish to the satisfaction of the consular officer that they have binding ties to a residence in a foreign country which they have no intention of abandoning, and that they will depart the United States when they have completed their studies.

Maintaing Visa Status After Arrival

If a student on a F-1 visa is not able to complete their studies by the expiration date on the I-20 form, they must apply to the school's Foreign Student Advisor for an extension 30 days before expiration. Extensions are normally granted for academic and medical reasons so long as there have been no violations of visa status.

It is possible to transfer schools after arrival on an F-1 visa. You will need to notify your current school of the transfer and obtain an I-20 form from the new school. You will complete the student certification section of the I-20 and must deliver it to the foreign student advisor at the new school within 15 days of beginning attendance at the new school.

If you are changing majors at your current school, you do not need to notify the INS. If you are changing degree programs (e.g., from a bachelors degree to a masters degree program), however, you will need to get a new I-20 and submit it to the foreign student advisor within 15 days of beginning the new program.

More Details are Coming soon.